Daily report 24/01

Hello guys...

Today 24th January 2019, we are back into kitchen, but today is more special than yesterday... why?? Because today is our first day practice in kitchen in second semester and 2019.

Start with went to campus at 07.07 wita, with cloudy weather even though in the mid way suddenly rained, but thank God I arrived in campus safely.

After i arrived in kitchen, all of us directed by our seniors to entered pastry kitchen and helped to organized the ingredients and cleanser that campus just bought, after that we one-lined while waiting for sir Ical show us how to make puff pastry.

After we saw how to make puff pastry, we were directed to gather with our groupmate for practice to prepare our ingredients and tools that we will use later. After prepared, we rested for a while and our moeslim friends prepared for pray in mosque.

After rested and prayed, we were back into kitchen and continue our practice with the same way that sir Ical did. All of the group were busy with their group and focused so their puff pastry result will be nice and same with sir Ical's puff pastry.

After we made our puff pastry dough, our seniors showed us what we can made from our dough. After we finished practice, we did general cleaning and we waited for the time to go home.
