Daily Report 02/04

Hello guys...
So today is my 2nd day practice in this week.

On this day i arrived in the campus at 7 o'clock. Some of my group mates who had a task to make the croissant and danish. i went to the kitchen to help them. But when they was rolling the dough, sir ical  told us to stop rolling the dough and then we went into cold kitchen for one-line.

When we were one-line in the cold kitchen, the senior check our absent but when we want to started our practice, sir ical suddenly came and we immediately go for one-line. All of us reprimanded by him because our performance really slow while our class bacame the first class to go to an internship. Beside that, sir ical also told us to make not only one dish but two dishes in one day because we will be off the next day.

The menu that were gonna make are "Chinese Food" from rotation 2.1 menu, and "Thai Food" from 2.2 menu. Fortunately the chinese dessert menu was finished so we can immediately make the other menu. The menu that we have got is appetizer it's called "Thai Beef Salad".

Because we also cathced up the deadline, so we try to fixed our performance so we are more serious doing our menu.

After our dishes were finished, one by one of the group went into the office to explain their dishes, we had lunch together, after that we did the general cleaning. After the general cleaning we took a break then one-line and go home.
