Daily Report 04/04

Hello guys....
Finally we're back again after holiday.

I arrived in campus at 8 o'clock and then i go for one-line immediately and the senior checked our abssent first before we start our practice. Then we went into cold kitchen, and pray together before start our practice.

Our menus today are Celebes cuisines and my group got a menu called sosok utan or dalle utan. It's a dish from tana toraja.

The main ingredients to make sosok utan are spinach, pumkin, corn, chicken, and chicken stock. But the chicken that we're gonna used still frozen and we haven't made the chicken stock. Fortunately there is chicken stock available in the freezer so we used that chicken stock.

while waited for the chicken to be thawed, we prepared for the vegetables and  the spices that we're gonna use. And the chicken that already thawed was brained for 2 hours and cook using sous vide technique for 5 minutes at temperature 65,5°c. 

Beside that, some of us did the vegetables there are also did the spices. After all the ingredients was ready, we start to cook the vegetables and marinate the chicken to be pan seared. 

While pan seared the chicken, the vegetables are still cooked using simmering technique so later the vegetables stays warm when served. After the chicken is cooked, we start to plating our dish, then took a break then do the general cleaning.

After the general cleaning, we took a break for a while for waiting the time for go home.
