Hey guys....
Today I will continue to practice on the second day.

Today I arrived earlier than yesterday. After that I used the attribute first and one-line, while the senior checked our absence.

After that we went into the cold kitchen and pray together before starting practice. The senior who incharge today told us that our dish had to be finished at 12 and we also had to prepare the ingredients for Thursday's menu because tomorrow we would not practice because tomorrow is election day so we will have a holiday.

I got the task to make Norimaki, but there was a mistake because the rice used to cook rice was ordinary rice instead of Japanese rice so we repeated cooking rice using Japanese rice.

After the rice is cooked, we start making Norimaki. Besides Norimaki, we also make California roll.

After we were ready, we immediately arranged our dishes as interesting as possible to be presented to the lecturers.

My group mate and I went into the lobby to explain the dishes we have made, then the lecturers who were there tasted our dishes and they liked our dishes so they want more the Norimaki we have served.

After all the groups finished presenting their dishes, we took a break while having lunch together, after that we did general cleaning and then took a break while waiting for time to go home.
