Hello guys...
Finally in this week i come back again to the kitchen to practice.

Today I arrived at campus at 8 am after that I used the attribute for practice then one-line, after that our senior checked our absent and then we went into the cold kitchen for one-line. After all of us was  complete, our activities begin with pray together, after that we were one-line according to our group.

After that, seniors share the menu that we will prepare today. My group got the main course menu, called "Norimaki", but all the ingredients for norimaki will be prepared tomorrow to keep it fresh when processed. So the senior told our group to help for making 40 pax croissants and danish.

Before we start making our menus, the seniors review us all the notes we have written in our small book. After review, we immediately went to the pastry kitchen to make croissants and danish. We divided the tasks of 5 people making croissants and 5 other people making danish so that our work could be completed quickly.

While waiting for our croissants and danish to be baked, we do general cleaning, and there are some people in our group whose job is to keep baked croissants and danish not burnt.

After general cleaning, we check our croissants, after that we take a break while waiting for time to go home.
