Halo kawan-kawan.....
Apa kabar kalian semua, aku harap kalian semua baik-baik saja,dan tentunya selalu diberikan kesehatan yah. Balik lagi nih di hari kamis, hari keempat masuk kitchen di minggu ini, hari ini kami melanjutkan membuat menu dan prepare-an yang sudah disiapkan untuk makanan atau produk yang akan kami buat dan disajikan ke tamu. Prepare sangat penting agar esok harinya pekerjaan kami tidak keteteran.

Semua yang akan kami buat besok kami prepare hari ini. Untuk pembagian kelompoknya masih sama semua sama seperti di minggu-minggu kemarin. Dan kegiatan praktek kami juga masih sama seperti di minggu-minggu kemarin. Kami masih terus mengulang materi Buffet samapi setelah mid. Dan katanya kami baru ganti materi ketika setelah mid. Tetapi kami tetap rolling tugas agar semua kelompok kebagian appetizer, soup, main course, dan juga dessert.

Hari ini saya bangun pukul 05:00 dan langsung mandi dan juga siap" untuk berangkat ke kampus. Sesampainya di kampus saya dan teman kelompok saya mereview junior seperti hari kemarin.
Setelah selesai kami pun melanjutkan pekerjaan kami yaitu main course celebes buffet konro bakar, nasi putih, palu ce'la, dan lawar pakis.
Konro bakar banyak ditemui di Kecamatan Ujung Pandang atau di kawasan Lapangan Karebosi makassar

Agar dikenang dam dipahami, Dinas Pariwisata makassar pun mematenkan cerita awal mula dari konro bakar.
Kabid Destinasi Pariwisata Makassar mengatakan konro bakar merupakan variasi kering dari sop konro yang muncul pada tahun 2000-an.

Konro bakar terinspirasi dari masakan modern seperti steak. Walaupun proses memasaknya ala barat tetapi bumbu yang digunakan tetap tradisional makassar.
Konro bakar disajikan dengan bumbu kacang khas makassar dengan taburan bawang goreng diatasnya dan kuah sop konro serta nasi putih.
"Konro bakar ini mirip tapi beda dengan sate madura. Namun rasa dan proteinnya tentunya tak tertandingi," ujarnya. (*)

Karena besok kelompok saya mendapat giliran jumat berkah, setelah selesai kami pun melanjutkan prepare untuk bahan" makanan yang akan kami buat besok pagi. Dan setelah selesai kamipun istirahat dan makan

Setelah makan kami langsung gc. Hari ini sangat cepat dari hari-hari  kemarin tetap kami tetap pulang agak sore karena masih harus mereview junior kami.
Oke sekian yang bisa saya bagikan pada hari ini. Kurang lebihnya mohon dimaafkan.


Hello friends
How are you all, I hope you all are well, and of course always be given health well. Come back again on Thursday, the fourth day entering the kitchen this week, today we continue to make menus and prepare the food that has been prepared for the food or products that we will make and serve to guests. Prepare is very important so that the next day our work will not be met.

Everything we will make tomorrow we prepare today. For the division of the group is still the same, all the same as in the previous weeks. And our practice is still the same as in the previous weeks. We continue to repeat Buffett's material until after mid. And he said we only changed the material when after mid. But we are still rolling the task so that all groups receive appetizers, soups, main courses, and also dessert.

Today I woke up at 5:00 am and immediately took a shower and was also ready "to go to campus. When I arrived at the campus my group of friends and I were reviewing juniors like yesterday.

After finishing, we continued our work, namely the main course, celebro buffet, roasted konro, white rice, hammer ce'la, and lawar fern.

Burnt cones are mostly found in Ujung Pandang District or in the Karebosi Field in Makassar

In order to be remembered and understood, the Makassar Tourism Office also patented the original story of the roasted konro.
The Head of the Makassar Tourism Destination said the roasted konro is a dry variation of the konro soup that emerged in the 2000s.

Roasted Konro is inspired by modern cuisine such as steak. Although the cooking process is western-style, the spices used remain traditional Makassar.
Roasted konro served with Makassar peanut sauce topping with fried shallot topped with konro soup and white rice.
"Konro Bakar is similar but different from Satay Madura. But the taste and protein are certainly incomparable," he said. (*)

 Because tomorrow my group will get the task to make a food for charity, after finishing we will continue to prepare for the ingredients "the food we will make tomorrow morning. And after we finish we will also break and eat.

After eating we immediately doing general cleaing. Today is very fast than yesterday but we still go home rather late in the afternoon because we still have to review our juniors.
Okay, that's all I can share today. More or less please forgive.
